Monday, April 28, 2008



Director General his command functions from ASF Headquarters located at Karachi Airport. The Director General is assisted Dy DG (Cooed) and Directors i.e. Director (Operations), Director (Administration), Director (Finance) and Deputy Director (Intelligence), Deputy Director (Legal), Deputy Director (Proc), Deputy Director (FS) as Force Secretary, and Deputy Director (Eqpt).


The legal powers of ASF are:-
a-Search and arrest without warrant of any person who suspects of endangering or attempting to endanger, or having endangered, the safety of any aerodrome or airport or an aircraft or a civil aviation installation and may use such force as may be necessary in the discharge of his duties aforesaid.
b-An officer for the purpose of this Act, shall exercise, within the areas in which this Act applies, all the powers conferred on an officer in-charge of a Police Station under the Police Act 1861 (Vol 1861) and the code of criminal procedure 1898 (Act V of 1898). No Government Notification has been issued and therefore, not enforced.


In accordance with the provision of the ASF Act 1975, the Force is responsible for :-
a- Ensuring security of all airports, aerodromes and civil aviation installations within the limits of airports and aerodromes and for safeguarding Civil Aviation against acts of unlawful interference or threats of interference.
b- Ensuring security of all structures, equipment, material and installations belonging to operators and other Government or non Government organizations within the limits of airports and aerodromes.
c- Ensuring security of aircrafts, passengers, baggage cargo and mail within the limits of airports and aerodromes.
d- General maintenance of law and order within the limits of airports in conjunction with the Police and taking cognizance of all offences committed at the airports and aerodromes under any law for the time being in force.


a- Build confidence amongst passengers travelling by air.
b- Counter potential offenders i.e. terrorist/hijackers.
c- Provide security to civil aviation installation.

Airports Security Force Pakistan

In the late 60s, of the preceding century civil aviation industry endured worldwide shocks of violence and sustained criminal attacks at the hands of terrorists. Initially the overall response to onslaught of developing crime was varying from the state to state. However, by 1970 the world community recognized the problems of unlawful interference with civil aviation and developed strategy of response through various conventions. Pakistan being signatory to all these conventions was under obligation to create a Force to provide security to civil aviation in Pakistan. Hence the Airports Security Force (ASF) was raised in 1976 under the folds of the Ministry of Defence and was assigned security responsibility of all airports in Pakistan.